Video / audio - regulations
ATTENTION! I am aware that access to the event venue with any type of filming equipment is strictly forbidden to non-rights holders. I have absolutely no right to film and use any part of the event, including (but not limited to) the race, qualification, training, podium ceremony and interviews.
I am also aware that no agreement has been reached with Infront Sports & Media in order to obtain any accreditation of filming devices, therefore I hereby declare not to access the race venue with any filming devices, nor to film or use any part of the event or collect third party audiovisual material for exploitation on my website.
In the event that I fail to comply with the above specifications, I am aware that Infront Sports & Media may take any appropriate legal action to protect its copyright and proprietary rights and may wish to receive fair compensation for any losses and damages suffered.
If you are interested in further information regarding the relevant international rights, please contact Infront Sports & Media by email at and or get in touch with Infront staff.
Kindly notice that all Internet companies’ representatives need to read and fill in the dedicated form before receiving their personal accreditation.” under the wording Multimedia rights Can be deleted since the mandatory field substitutes this form
ATTENTION! I am aware that the access to the event venue with any kind of filming device is strictly forbidden to non-rights holders. I am not absolutely allowed to film and use any part of the event, including (but not limited to) race, qualification round, training, podium ceremony and interviews.
I am also aware that no agreement has been reached with Infront Sports & Media AG in order to obtain any filming media accreditation, therefore I hereby declare that I will neither access the race venue with any filming device, nor film or use any part of the event or gather audiovisual material from third parties for exploitation on my hereby registered website.
Should I not comply with the above specifications, I am aware that Infront Sports & Media shall take any appropriate legal action to protect its copyrights and proprietary rights and to receive just compensation for any loss and damages suffered.
If interested to clear the relevant International rights please contact Infront Sports & Media AG at and or Infront’s on site representatives.
ATTENZIONEsono consapevole che l’accesso alla zona di gara con qualsiasi tipo di dispositivo di ripresa video è strettamente vietato a tutti coloro che non ne posseggono i diritti.
Non mi è assolutamente permesso filmare ed utilizzare immagini dell’evento, inclusi (ma non limitati a) la gara, le qualifiche, i trainings, la cerimonia del podio e le interviste.
Sono altresì consapevole del fatto che nessun accordo è stato raggiunto con Infront Sports & Media al fine di ottenere qualsiasi accreditamento dei mezzi di ripresa, quindi dichiaro con la presente di non accedere alla zona di gara con alcun mezzo di ripresa, né di filmare o utilizzare qualsiasi parte dell’evento o raccogliere materiale audiovisivo da parte di terzi per lo sfruttamento sul mio sito web.
Nel caso in cui non dovessi rispettare le specifiche di cui sopra, sono consapevole che Infront Sports & Media potrebbe intraprendere opportune azioni legali a tutela dei propri diritti di autore e dei diritti di proprietà e valersi del diritto di ricevere un giusto risarcimento per eventuali perdite e danni subiti.
Se interessati a chiarire la normativa riguardante i relativi diritti internazionali, si prega di contattare Infront Sports & Media scrivendo a rights@infrontsports.come o di fare riferimento al personale Infront presente sul luogo dell’evento.
ACHTUNG! Ich bin mir bewusst, dass die Mitnahme von Geräten zur Videoaufnahme jeglicher Art auf das Event Gelände ohne Genehmigung nicht erlaubt ist. Filmaufnahmen sind während der gesamten Dauer des Events, inklusive (aber nicht limitiert auf) Rennen, Qualifikation- und Trainingsläufe, Siegerehrungen und Interviews, sind nicht erlaubt.
Weiteres bin ich mir bewusst, dass keine Einigung mit Infront Sports & Media AG mit zum Erhalt einer Radio- oder Fernsehakkreditierung getroffen, weshalb ich erkläre , dass ich weder ein Gerät für Video/Audio Aufnahmen auf das Event Gelände mitbringe noch filme oder Aufnahmen Dritter zur Veröffentlichung auf meiner Website benütze.Ich nehme zur Kenntnis, dass Infront Sports & Media im Fall eines Verstosses gegen die oben genannten Bestimmungen, legale Schritte zum Schutz ihrer Autoren- und Eigentums- Rechte für eventuellen Schadensersatz einleiten werde.Zum Erhalt der Internationalen Rechte kontaktieren Sie bitte Infront Sports & Media AG und oder das Infront Personal